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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১১ অক্টোবর ২০১৯

Director General, Power Cell has been elected as the Chair of the UN-ESCAP Committee on Energy.

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2019-10-10

Power Cell has been elected as the Chair of the UN-ESCAP Committee on Energy. This Committee is an important intergovernmental platform to facilitate regional energy cooperation. He has replaced Mr. Ajith P. Perara, Deputy Minister of Sri Lanka. Other Vice-Chairs are,
1. Mr. Fengquan An., Dy DG, Dept. of Intl. Cooperation, China
2. Mr. Talyat Aliev, Deputy Head of Intl. Cooperation, Russian Federation
3. Mr. Sarawut Kaewtathip, Dy Permanent Secretary, Min of Energy, Thailand
4. Mr. Avafoa Irata, CEO, M/O Public Utilities and Infrastre, Tuvalu

The Committee is comprised of 55 member states, 9 Associate members, 22 permanent observers and 24 intergovernmental organizations etc.
It was indeed a successful participation from Bangladesh.