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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১st জুলাই ২০১৮

জাতীয় শুদ্ধাচার কৌশল কর্মপরিকল্পনা

NIS Workplan 2018-19

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2018-19 (Download).

NIS Workplan 2017-18

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2017-18 (Corrected) (Download).

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2017-18, 1st Quarterly Monitoring Report (Download)

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2017-18, 2nd Quarterly Monitoring Report (Download)

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2017-18, 3rd Quarterly Monitoring Report (Download)



NIS Workplan 2016-17

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2016-17 (Corrected) (Download)

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2016-17, 1st Quarterly Monitoring Report (Download)

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2016-17, 2nd Quarterly Monitoring Report (Download)

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2016-17, 3rd Quarterly Monitoring Report (Download)

Workplan of National Integrity Strategy 2016-17, 4th Quarterly Monitoring Report (Download)